Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Murder Videos on Media Platforms and Their Consequences Essay

Brenda Cossman introduces the case of Mark Marek being charged with corrupting morals based on section 163(1)(a) of the Criminal Code for uploading the video of Jun Lins murder by Luke Magnotta. Cossman suggests that Marek is essentially being charged with obscenity, while the focus is on corrupting morals. This has created confusion because corrupting morals is a concept from the 19th century, whereas the courts had changed the focus of obscenity from morality to harm since the late 20th century. Since the Marek is being charged for corrupting morals, the courts are implying that it is morally inappropriate to view such sexual and/or violent content. Nonetheless, Cossman argues this concept of morality is outdated because the†¦show more content†¦To elaborate, this means that everyone will have differing opinions on what they consider moral. For example, person A believes that uploading a murder video is immoral, whereas person B believes the opposite. Not only that, but in this contemporary society that continues to grow in complexity and size, there will be a wider variation of opinions on what is moral or not. By changing the focus to harm, the result is a positive change. The reason being that harm involves looking at the smaller picture of specific cases that call for justice. On the other hand, morality simply looks at the bigger picture, which in turn creates ambiguity of its boundaries. For example, in this case of uploading the video Luke Magnotta committing the murder, Jun Lins parents experience harm because their son was killed, and now the scene of him losing his life is available for the public to see. In support of Cossmans argument, Marek should be charged based on the contemporary focus of obscenity, that being harm. The success of the prosecution of Mark Marek will depend on what approach the court takes when coming to a verdict. 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