Friday, December 20, 2019

Reflections Of The Gospel Reflections Essay - 1131 Words

Reflections of the Gospel Introduction The Essential knowledge of the gospels is imperative if one is to live a Holy life. Many factors go along with living a Christian life. First, one must believe in the Son of God. Second, one must believe that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross for mans’ sin so that that man may have eternal life. Moreover, one must believe that Jesus died and rose from the grave and defeated death so that mankind may live in eternity with our Lord. We are to live a life serving our fellow man, so man must adopt the characteristics of God himself. Mankind must show love, kindness, and mercy and to grow in the faith of our Lord and Redeemer. God The characteristics of God is good, faithful and true. He is all knowing or Omniscient, he is righteousness and holiness. God is full of love and mercy for all. God is omnipresent meaning he is in all places always. God is immutable and unchanging. He has no limitations on what he can bring to pass being omnipotent. He is a sovereign God who is part of the Trinity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the creator of all things and created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. In the beginning, God created the universe and Commanded â€Å"Let there be light† and he saw it was good. He then separated the light from the dark and the light he called day and the dark he called night and this was the first day. Then he created the heavens and the earth, and this was the second day. He thenShow MoreRelatedReflection On Gospels1090 Words   |  5 Pagesreturn to earth we will be in a better place alongside Jesus. From my twelve years at Catholic School, I thought I had learned everything about Jesus. It was not until I read Borg did I learn about the three pillars of the Gospels. The pillars are different ways the Gospels describe Jesus’ life. The first pillar is a memory and testimony, the second pillar is the pre-Easter and post-Easter, and the third pillar is metaphors of Jesus’ life. 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